Awards & Accolades for Sturdi Products!
Our customers have helped Sturdi Products grow by generously sharing their ideas. Sturdi Products helps set the standard for excellence in safe, comfortable pet travel because we listen, adapt and create according to our customer's needs. Customer suggestions have increased our understanding that animals, like people, have varied needs and unique personalities.
Trusted worldwide, Sturdi Products is endorsed by the best names in pet care and has been given recognition by the following:
2008 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, Catnip Magazine recommended the SturdiShelter Pop UP Car-GO, SturdiTote™ and the patented SturdiBag™ Flexible Height pet carrier for safe feline travel
2008 The Book, Cat Wranging Made Easy: Maintaining Peace in a MultiCat Home by Dusty Rainbolt. Recommends SturdiShelter™ Pop UPS for evacuation planning
2007 Cat Fancy Magazine Editors Choice Award “Best New Product of the Year” for the Car-GO Single Pop UP
2007 Commissioned by Royal Canin USA to produce SturdiBags ™ for “Best of the Best” Cats show trophy awards
2007 Commissioned by Royal Canin USA to produce SturdiShelter™ Double Pop UPs for best in the World Cats Sponsorship Program
2007 Charlotte Reed, Pet Expert Recommends Double Car-GO Pop UP on television Your Morning Show- Good Day Philadelphia, Tennessee Morning
2006 The Book, Small Dogs, Big Hearts - A Guide To Caring For Your Little Dog by author Darlene Arden recommends Sturdi Products
2006 Commemorative Limited Edition Sturdi Products Pop UP Shelters and SturdiBags™ manufactured for the Cat Fancy Associations’ 2006 Centennial Celebration
2006 Commissioned by Royal Canin Austria to produce SturdiBags™ for cat and dog breeder incentive program
2006 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, Catnip Magazine recommended the new Car-GO for safe feline travel and evacuation needs
2005 Charlotte Reed, Pet Expert Recommends Car-GO Double Pop UP on television Your Morning Show
2005 Cat Fancy Magazine Editors Choice Award Best New Product of the Year for the SturdiBag™ Divided pet carrier
2005 Dog Fancy Magazine Editors Choice Award for the Car-GO Double Pop Up
2005 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, Catnip Magazine recommended the new SturdiTote™ and CarGO Double for safe feline travel
2004 Syndicated WOR Radio personality and Pet Expert, Warren Eckstein recommends SturdiBag™ pet carrier to his national radio audience
1993-2004 Commissioned by Nestles Corporation yearly — SturdiBag has been awarded, (along with the winners cup) to the Fancy Feast and Purina Best of the Best Cat in the World at the Cat Fanciers Association International Cat Show
2003 The Book Kittens for Dummies, author Dusty Rainbolt, recommended the SturdiBag™ as the best pet carrier for airline travel
2002 Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine, YOUR DOG, a Magazine for Caring Dog Owners-recommended the SturdiBag™ pet carriers in all sizes and calls the design "brilliant"
2001 Cat Fancy Magazine Editors Choice Award for the SturdiBag™ pet carrier
2001 Dog Fancy Magazine Editors Choice Award for the Sturdi ShowShelter™
1999 The Whole Cat Journal — a monthly guide to natural cat care and training recommended the SturdiBag™ pet carrier for in cabin airplane travel